Imi2 Ju Annotated Model Grant Agreement

IMI2 Ju Annotated Model Grant Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

The IMI2 Ju Annotated Model Grant Agreement is a document that serves as a guide for organizations that want to apply for funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (IMI2 Ju). This agreement outlines the rules, procedures, and guidelines that applicants must follow when they receive funding.

If you are considering applying for funding from IMI2 Ju, it is important to understand the key features of this annotated model grant agreement. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about this document.

What is IMI2 Ju?

The Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (IMI2 Ju) is a public-private partnership between the European Union and the European pharmaceutical industry. It was established to facilitate the development of innovative medicines through collaborative research projects.

IMI2 Ju provides funding for research projects that aim to discover and develop new approaches for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases. To date, the initiative has funded more than 100 projects, involving more than 200 organizations from academia, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and the pharmaceutical industry.

What is the IMI2 Ju Annotated Model Grant Agreement?

The IMI2 Ju Annotated Model Grant Agreement is a document that provides detailed information on the rules, procedures, and guidelines that apply to organizations that receive funding from IMI2 Ju. This agreement is intended to help applicants understand the terms and conditions of the grant, and to ensure that they comply with the requirements set out by IMI2 Ju.

The annotated model grant agreement contains several key sections, including:

– General conditions: This section outlines the general terms and conditions that apply to all grants awarded by IMI2 Ju. It covers issues such as the duration of the grant, reporting requirements, and intellectual property rights.

– Budget: This section provides guidance on how to prepare a budget for the project, including eligible costs and funding rates.

– Specific provisions: This section outlines the specific requirements and conditions that apply to the project, such as the project objectives, work plan, and deliverables.

– Annexes: The agreement also includes several annexes that provide additional information, such as templates for reporting and financial statements.

Why is the IMI2 Ju Annotated Model Grant Agreement important?

The IMI2 Ju Annotated Model Grant Agreement is an essential document for organizations seeking funding from IMI2 Ju. It provides detailed information on the terms and conditions of the grant, as well as the rules and procedures that applicants must follow.

By reading and understanding this agreement, applicants can ensure that they comply with all the requirements set out by IMI2 Ju. This can help to avoid potential issues and disputes later in the project, and can help to ensure the success of the research.


The IMI2 Ju Annotated Model Grant Agreement is an important document that provides guidance on the rules and procedures that apply to organizations seeking funding from IMI2 Ju. By understanding the terms and conditions of the grant, applicants can ensure that they comply with all the requirements set out by IMI2 Ju and can help to ensure the success of the research project. If you are considering applying for funding from IMI2 Ju, it is important to read and understand this agreement carefully.